Newsletters and Annual Reports


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robotics dominican republic

Annual Report 2022:

The Community Bots was able to return to our in-person services with a wonderful program in the Dominican Republic during summer 2022. Our services now also include English language instruction, academic tutoring, leadership training, and free and nutritious lunches for our partner school in Nagarote, Nicaragua!

robotics dominican republic

Annual Report 2021:

Thank you to all our followers who have continued to generously support The Community Bots during the pandemic. Because of you, our aspiring engineers have access to cutting-edge, STEM-robotics equipment and curriculum and are making important progress towards realizing a STEM career. The Community Bots is proud of how much we have achieved in our first five years since inception, and we have big plans for 2022! Read all about it in our Annual Report!

Community Bots HarvardWE

Harvard's Women's Empowerment Expo 2022:

We are proud to announce our participation in Harvard’s Women’s Empowerment Expo this Saturday, April 23rd. The Community Bots, along with 20 other organizations, were selected because we are “leading the way for women’s empowerment in education and promoting healthy communities worldwide.

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Updates 2022:

With your assistance, we’ve made such a difference in the lives of these young aspiring engineers, and we hope we can continue to count on you. Below are a few highlights of the exciting work we are accomplishing in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic because of your charitable contributions.

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Nicaragua 2021:

Thanks to your generous support, we were able to get back on the road this summer and do what we do best — provide training and equipment in STEM-robotics for girls and their teachers in underserved communities.

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Nicaragua 2020:

Read about our latest happenings! We are excited to share that our virtual robotics program is now up and running in Nicaragua, thanks to your ongoing support and our corporate sponsor, CoderZ.

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Spain 2019:

Partnering with the US Embassy Madrid, the Fundación Secretariado Gitano, and the mayor’s office, we trained 12 teachers for one week and then ran our six-day STEM-robotics program for 30 girls, many from the Gitano (Roma) community as well as six girls from Ceuta, the Spanish autonomous city on the north coast of Africa.

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Nicaragua 2019:

We were welcomed with a beautiful traditional dance performance, national TV coverage, and a ceremony to honor the students who completed a computer literacy course using the laptops we had arranged to be donated last year. After a rigorous teacher training, we began our student program at La Escuela Carlos Bravo.

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Jamaica 2019:

Powered by upcycled Equipment Donation that’s facilitated by the Community Bots team, we build the program with teachers and create a weeklong hands-on experience with the students while designing, building, programming robots, and exploring the lives of real role models women in the STEM field.

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Our Mission:

Provide training and equipment in STEM-robotics for young women and their teachers in underserved communities around the world, together with academic and social-emotional support, so that aspiring engineers can pursue higher education and a STEM career.

NEW YORK, NY, 10128
[email protected]

"They say we are worthy of your trust"