
City: La Línea de la Concepción

We partnered with the United States Embassy Madrid and the Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) to bring our program to La Línea de Concepción in southern Spain during the summer 2019.

FSG is an intercultural social organization that provides services for the development of the Roma community in Spain and in Europe. The group of middle and high school girls for our program was composed of Gitano community members from around La Linea along with girls from Ceuta, one of the Spanish territories in Africa. We also trained teachers from various technical schools in the area. Upon arriving at La Línea de la Concepción, we were greeted at FSG by the former United States Ambassador to Spain and Andorra, Duke Buchan. 


Duke Buchan III, Former U.S. Ambassador to Spain & Andorra

“The Community Bots program, supported by the US Embassy in Spain and in partnership with the “Fundación Secretariado Gitano,” engaged the hearts and minds of thirty young women who had never imagined they could be engineers. Seeing the girls build, program and test their robots was inspiring.

As The Community Bots expands their outreach in Latin America, their model of training teachers and students with community partners is a great way to encourage a new generation of women to seek STEM careers. I support The Community Bots and highly recommend their program which empowers girls and offers them opportunities. Education and inclusion are fundamental.”

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